Contribute to APAC
FAA Contribution
Invest in the Apartment Political Action Committee
The different investor tiers are outlined below. The dollar amount in the suggested donation box is auto-populated. Change the dollar amount to reflect the desired investor level.
Investor Levels
Capitol Dome | $20,000+ |
Diamond | $10,000+ |
Sapphire | $7,500 |
Ruby | $5,000 |
Emerald | $2,500 |
Platinum | $1,000 |
Gold | $500-$999 |
Silver | $250-$499 |
Bronze | $100-249 |
Fair Share | $35-$99 |
Disclaimer: Contributions to APAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. Contributions are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. A member is free to contribute more or less than the suggested amount, and may choose not to give without reprisal from the Florida Apartment Association or affiliate associations.
Interested in supporting your local affiliate's APAC fair share goal? Click the button below and select the local affiliate whose APAC fair share goal you would like your contribution to support.